Contact ambiscreen support.
Born in the heart of Europe.
Bratislava, Slovakia

E-mail: - support for beta testers is on dedicated email address (you got it with your beta tester package)

We will answer your questions as soon as possible.
Opening hours: 8:00 - 16:00 CET (Central European Time) on business days, excluding local national holidays. Support is off during weekends. Support is available in English.

Step by Step setup - user guide for
Eye and WiFiLED

If you have wifi connection issues check that your wifi network is 2.4GHz only, it has short alphanumeric wifi network name without special characters (like e.g.apostrophes). If device is loosing wifi signal or is interrupted, place it closer to your router.

We'd like to let you know that our response time is currently delayed due to higher load of our support. We are sorry for this and we'll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

We found out, that sometimes it is better to consult user guide from the package of your device, rather than waiting for support response. It is sometimes faster.

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Are you a beta tester? Please use dedicated support email address which you obtained with your package or during checkout.

* Your email is safe with us - we won't share it with third party.
Step by Step setup - user guide for Eye and WiFiLED